Wednesday, January 30, 2013


It has been a busy month!  We had sub-zero temperatures, so cold that our power went out, school and work was cancelled, and it killed our car! The cold ruined our battery and I bought the wrong one to fix it. L So, now we are working on getting it running again but it’s so cold and there isn’t much day light by the time Lynn gets home from work it is a slow process.  Lynn also had a birthday!  He turned 27 on the 6th of January.  We had lunch with his family and cake with friends. 
I am on a sweets-fast with one of my friends; we are trying to make it till Easter without eating junk food.  It’s not as bad as I thought it would be but I let myself have Sunday’s as a free day.  I have also really gotten back into running.  We can’t use the gym on campus but we can use their indoor track, which I run on about 4 days a week.  I am up to about 15 miles a week! I am also down about 8lbs from the 1st of the year!  It’s slow but I am glad I am finally seeing results.  I want to run a half marathon soon; I just need to find one to sign up for and the weather to warm up!
Lynn started another semester of his grad program.  He is taking two classes this term so we are pretty much busy with homework every weeknight. L He is set to graduate with his MS in Leadership in June of 2014! Our goal is to be done before Cooper is two and we have any more kids.
Cooper is getting so big! We finally bought him a crib (he has been sleeping in his pack n’ play still).  We can’t wait to get it set up and see how he sleeps in it.  I went through all of his clothes this week to pull out his 6-9 month clothes and put away all his tiny stuff so we can put it in storage.  He is growing out of stuff so fast; there is so much he didn’t even get to wear a lot of it. He is getting good as sitting up and is sooooo! close to crawling.  He also has a new angry face we have been trying to get on camera for days with no luck, so we will keep trying. We took him bowling this month too!  He wasn’t exactly that interested but it was fun.  We will get some pictures of his nursery up soon!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Christmas and the New Year

We had an awesome few days off.  Lynn was home for 4 days in a row so I decided to take advantage of it and try to sleep train Cooper.  The first couple nights were long.  He would wake up at 1 and we would just bring him to our bed and put him back to sleep and let him eat when we woke up at 4.  By the 3rd night he was sleeping through until 4 on his own. It is great to get 6-7 hours of straight sleep again!  I feel so rested!  We spent Christmas Eve at Lynn’s grandmas and slept in on Christmas Day.  We had Lynn’s parents watch Cooper while we saw The Hobbit (good, but long!).  We opened some awesome presents and got to Skype with Lynn’s younger brother who is serving a mission in Iowa.  He hadn’t seen the baby yet so it was fun to introduce him to Cooper.  We also got hit with a ton of snow, which sucks.  Lynn and I hate the cold!  We got Cooper a quiet book for church, some new jammies, and toys.  He also got some baby Einstein DVD’s, baby signing times, more toys, and clothes.  It was a great first Christmas but we are looking forward to him being old enough to be excited for it.

We also welcomed in the New Year by going to bed early.  We are lame but the sleep was worth it.  We had a relaxing morning and celebrated with brunch at some friends.  We also got to feed the elders that night.  We are excited to see what the New Year brings!  We have already started some fitness challenges and look forward to running a half marathon later this year.  I would also love to complete another triathlon!  2012 was an amazing year but we can’t wait to see what 2013 has in store!