Sunday, March 2, 2014

February 2014 - The Month of Love

February was such a short month! We enjoyed a fun Valentine’s Day at home.  I made a yummy dinner for us of steak and lobster tails.  The guy at the store asked if I wanted a whole lobster! I wasn’t quite that adventurous this time around.  The lobster was actually a lot easier to prepare than I thought it would be.  Cooper got a new movie and some cute clothes from his Grandma and Grandpa Spain.  We also went to go buy a gun but we went on the worst weekend.  There was a gun show in town so the store was a crazy.  We ended up going back this last weekend and got the one we wanted!  It has been a long time coming and we definitely feel like we need it more than ever in the area we live in, so that was where some of our tax return went too.
  I also finally got our 72-hour kits assembled.  I’m pretty proud of myself for that, it has been in the works pretty much for the last 5 years!  The only issue I have now is that they are crazy heavy!!! And I still haven’t put clothes in them.  So, I am going to have to do some rearranging I think.  Miraculously, I also sewed my own pillow slip covers this month.  I have never sewn anything before besides a button so with some help of a couple friends I got three slip covers made! I ran out of fabric, so I still have another one to do, but I actually really enjoyed it! Who knew? Mom? Why didn’t you try to get me to learn to sew earlier???? (She might punch me for that line…) J

Cooper had his 18 month check-up this month.  He is about 26lbs and at about the 50th % for height and just under the 25th % for weight.  He has recently learned to climb on everything!  We have baby gates that blockade him now in just the living room.  He gets pretty mad he can’t get into the kitchen now but he has figured out he can climb over the couches to get into the kitchen if we aren’t watching long enough.  He is also in nursery now!  He loves it and never once shed a tear for being left in there.  He has actually been going for a while and he is starting to catch on to the songs and lessons.  He is obsessed with cats and pretty much loves any other animal.  He asks for his kitty app all the time and wants to Skype his Grandma and Grandpa Spain to see their kitty on the iPad.  He is learning so many new words.  It is so nice to be able to ask him what he wants and for the most part he can either tell us or help us understand.  J

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